MU-B - Mockup B Some Block Examples

Textbox with separators (inner content) top and bottom and a scroll down button for viewing more stuff below.

Below is a Carousel Block with 3 slides scrolling horizontally (more can be added)

Below is a Carousel Block with 3 slides scrolling horizontally (more can be added)

Below is a Carousel Block with 3 slides scrolling horizontally (more can be added)

Below is a Carousel Block with 3 slides scrolling horizontally (more can be added)

Below is a sample Carousel Block with 3 slides

Below is a Masonary Block

A great title

And a great subtitle

A great title

And a great subtitle

A great title

And a great subtitle

A great title

And a great subtitle

Below is an Images Wall with 3 images

Below is a Show Case Block

First feature

A short description of this great feature.

Second feature

A short description of this great feature.

Another feature

A short description of this great feature.

Last Feature

A short description of this great feature.

Below is a Media List Block

Media heading

Use this snippet to build various types of components that feature a left- or right-aligned image alongside textual content. Duplicate the element to create a list that fits your needs.


Event heading

Speakers from all over the world will join our experts to give inspiring talks on various topics. Stay on top of the latest business management trends & technologies

Post heading

Use this component for creating a list of featured elements to which you want to bring attention.

Continue reading

Below is a Table of Contents

Intuitive system

What you see is what you get

Insert text styles like headers, bold, italic, lists, and fonts with a simple WYSIWYG editor. Flexible and easy to use.

Customization tool

Click and change content directly from the front-end: no complex back end to deal with.

Building blocks system

Create your page from scratch by dragging and dropping pre-made, fully customizable building blocks.

Design features

Bootstrap-based templates

Easily design your own Flectra templates thanks to clean HTML structure and bootstrap CSS.

Professional themes

Change theme in a few clicks, and browse through Flectra's catalog of ready-to-use themes available in our app store.