The joy of REP


No not Rest in Peace but Rejoice in REP.

REP is one of those wonderful, community services that has sprung up in the last few years aided and abetted initially by Penrose Rotary and then increasingly by individuals and organisations keen to make a difference.

REP is a six month educational course to assist students enhance confidence and learning.

It is such a simple concept. Those of us with a bit of time and hopefully some knowledge want to give back to the younger generation. As a ferocious advocate for education that is what I wanted to do.

“Go and volunteer for REP” my friend Terry told me. “But I’m not a teacher” I replied. “Doesn't matter – if you have enthusiasm and commitment you will fit in.”

Off I went to One Tree Hill College OTC as it is affectionately known shivering in my shoes. All thesecapable people and the famous Brian!

But it was the students I wanted to help. Brought up in Scotland the mantra was “get an education and make something of yourself” and that mantra is still valid today.

I love the OTC students they are eager, anxious, sponge like in their willingness to learn each with dreams of what they want to achieve and we help them on their way. It’s not easy coming to High School very disorientating but I have been impressed from the start with their aplomb and enthusiasm.

So what do we do we give them the confidence they need and reinforce reading, comprehension, grammar and intellectual understanding over a six month period so that progressing through high school and beyond becomes something they can achieve with confidence.

It is not easy for some of the students. One of my students was delivered to school at 7.00am eachschool day, another could not get to bed at night because he slept on the sititing room couch; another was transitioning from their own language to English. Yet another had learning difficulties.

Each student was fantastic.

They try hard every week and over the six month period of reading, writing, understanding and vocalizing their thoughts it is like seeing a bird take flight. Student graduation is a recognition of how farthey have travelled and each student and their supportive families deserve applause.

I  could not recommend participation more. Tutors and students get so much out of each other so go down to your local high school and volunteer. You will not regret it.

Anna Rolfe

Volunteer @ One Tree Hill College Auckland